Monday, May 10, 2010

Global Warming

Global Warming

One of the major environmental problems that we all face daily is the issue of global warming. Every day in the news is another catastrophe that has occurred bringing with it a huge financial crisis and human tragedies. The cause has been evaluated by many experts and a common area they all agree upon is the excessive waste that we humans are dumping into the environment, along with the waste of energy that has been produced by carbon- producing electrical power plants. My concentration is on the waste of energy and what we all can do to reduce the waste of electricity, which will cut down on the carbon emissions that are produced which is a main contributor to the global warming picture. If we all continue to live as we have in the past, neglecting the environmental issues, the consequence could be a rise in global temperatures along with rising ocean levels and greater natural disasters.

The first chance we all have we should try to limit our own personal waste, and then discuss it with our friends and family to bring awareness to the issue. If we can reduce our overall waste of electricity then the power companies will reduce their production which will reduce their output of carbon emissions thereby reducing their effects upon the global warming issue.

Corporations and organizations need to be more aware of the waste of power they are committing everyday; they can reduce their usage by simple solutions such as shutting off lights that are not being used, turning the A/C thermostat to a higher setting when the building is not in use. Such items can be presented in a power wasted awareness program instituted by each organization and corporation as an “in-house” beginning to ensure employees are being “power-wise” in their use of electricity. A proper survey of building facilities should also be conducted to ensure they are using equipment that is power-efficient and up to standards for maximum power savings. Energy Saving System in Pok Fu Lam , Hong Kong ( hasproduced the solar powered parking lot lights that alone can save a corporation 6 -8 hours of purchased power.

As an example, I discovered at High College Technology there was an excessive waste of power committed by leaving all the AC units, PC monitors, media display devices, and room lighting running continuously as shown in the video during the independent learning week. If the college had shut them off or turned them down at night when no one was there, I calculated that there would be a savings of approximately 75,000 AED lessening the carbon footprint by 5778 tons per year. The calculated information was taken from a power-point presentation delivered to HCT on “Electricity and the Environment” delivered by “Spark Group” a cell of students gathered to research Global Warming issues.

Local and national governments all should have an energy conservation program to reduce the amount of energy needed to support the nation or city, as these are direct costs which are a burden to be carried by the citizens of the community. Typical solutions they can do to help reduce waste is to use solar powered street lighting; it is estimated that of all the power used by municipalities, the amount used for street lights is at 30% as researched by Michael Bluejay ( who has his own website designed for specifics we all can do for saving electricity. It is important that not only government and corporations reduce waste, but also all of us as individual consumers.

The most direct method is what can we each do to reduce the waste. The first is to bring the subject to public awareness on the issue so that we all have a full understanding of what is meant, and how each of us is responsible for the carbon footprint left by us on this planet. Then in every daily activity we can be conscious of what power we are using such as shutting off the TV when not watching it or turning off a light when not in use. Other direct methods can be done by purchasing energy saving devices for our homes like the power-saver switch that can reduce home AC power usage by as much as 25% as stated on the ( website, and the compact fluorescent energy saving light bulbs that can equal 8 standard incandescent lamps in use in most homes today. Also we can install insulation in our homes to cut back on the amount of a/c needed to keep our homes cool in the summers.

I think that the best method to reduce the waste of electricity is to be aware, look at everything around you in your daily lives and when we see waste, either correct it or inform someone else to look into it. The common mistake that all of us make is to think that a simple light left on will have no impact. Just think to magnify that one light by the population of the Earth and see how massive the simple task can become.


Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Word Comprehension

1- Approach


To come near or nearer to:

* The cars slowed down as they approached the intersection.

2- Bully


A blustering, quarrelsome, overbearing person who habitually badgers and intimidates smaller or weaker people.

* The bully of the class was pushing the smaller students.

3- Convenient


Suitable or agreeable to the needs or purpose; well-suited with respect to facility or ease in use; favorable, easy, or comfortable for use.

* Their house is convenient to all transportation.

4- Dormitory


A building, as at a college, containing a number of private or semiprivate rooms for residents, usually along with common bathroom facilities and recreation areas.

* This article examines the effects of floor height on the perception of room size and crowding as an important aspect of satisfaction with a dormitory building.

5- Energetic


Possessing or exhibiting energy, esp. in abundance; vigorous: an energetic leader.

* For a long time, I've built my client base with people who are energetic, creative, and happy about their work.

6- Faithfully


Strictly or thoroughly in the performance of duty.

* We usually end a business letter with a complimentary closing, such as 'Yours sincerely' or 'Yours faithfully'.

7- Generally

With respect to the larger part; for the most part: agenerally accurate interpretation of the fact.

* Generally I like to go swimming,but sometimes I prefer just to lie on the beach.

8- Hygiene


a condition or practice conducive to the preservation of health, as cleanliness.

* It is in your best interest to maintain good personal hygiene.

9- Inherit


To receive as one's portion; come into possession of: to inherit his brother's old clothes.

* The rich boy inherited lots of money after his parents died in a plane crash.

10- Kindness


The state or quality of being kind: kindness to animals.

* They acted out of the kindness of their hearts.11- Literacy


The quality or state of being literate, esp. the ability to read and write.

* People in third-world countries lack literacy because of their inability to gain access to books.

12- Manner


A person's outward bearing; way of speaking to and treating others:

* She has a charming manner.

13- Nutrition


The act or process of nourishing or of being nourished.

* Good nutrition is essential for your heart’s health.

14- Occasionally


At times; from time to time; now and then.

* Occasionally I go to the Flat Earth Society forums to have a good laugh.

15- Pension


A fixed amount, other than wages, paid at regular intervals to a person or to the person's surviving dependents in consideration of past services, age, merit, poverty, injury or loss sustained.

* It was revealed that he has been receiving a steady pension from the Russian embassy for several years

16- Relevant


Bearing upon or connected with the matter in hand; pertinent: a relevant remark.

* One must be frank to be relevant.

17- Scholarship


Learning; knowledge acquired by study; the academic attainments of a scholar.

* Men have a respect for scholarship and learning greatly out of proportion to the use they commonly serve.

18- Theoretical


Of, pertaining to, or consisting in theory; not practical (distinguished from applied).

* There are theoretical reformers at all times, and the entire world over, living on anticipation.

19- Independent


Not influenced or controlled by others in matters of opinion, conduct, etc.; thinking or acting for oneself: an independent thinker.

* The colonies were independent of Britain at last.

20- Sincerely


Free of deceit, hypocrisy, or falseness; earnest: a sincere apology.

* I daresay anything can be made holy by being sincerely worshipped.


Information Communication Technologies

Information Communication Technologies

` The information technology that helps us on our day to day lives has come a tremendous way from the beginning of developed business. The technology is inclusive of personal computers, cellular phones, intranet networks in the business environment, and global communications: all have been growing at a daily advancing rate from just 50 years ago. In the past communication inside a business building alone was so slow that today we wonder how any decisions or business plans were ever finished in a reasonable time frame. To illustrate, a typical business that wants to put into practice the company policy to stop using blue ink pens and only use black ink pens. There must first be a meeting of all the department heads; to do so the CEO would orally dictate a memo to his secretary that he wanted to hold such a meeting with a brief description of what the meeting would be about. I.e. “To: All Department heads” “Meeting in conference room at 9 am” Subject “pens”. This memo was then typed by the secretary and would be sent, by an office errand boy, to all the departments in the building by walking physically to each office and dropping it off to the secretary for that dept head to give to the Dept head manager. Now that Dept. head would then tell his secretary to reply to the original sent memo whether he would be able to attend the meeting or not, which would be hand delivered or the secretary would call the CEO’s secretary to confirm her dept heads attendance. If all Dept heads were able to attend then the meeting would go forward, but if too many were not able to, the original meeting would be cancelled and the issue of coordinating a common time would then try to be achieved. So, the meeting finally happens and the presentation from the CEO is given that he wants to change the color of ink they are using in their pens. From there is a discussion on the topic and analysis had to be done to determine the costs of black versus blue ink. The meeting would finish with a proposed follow-up meeting to analyze the data collected on costs. The CEO’s secretary who had been taking notes would type them all up and create a letter to all who attended the meeting of what they had discussed and the agreed time of the new meeting to come on the follow up. This letter then signed by the CEO, would be distributed by the errand boy to all the Heads again. This trend would continue from initial meeting to follow up meetings, to meetings of agreement to finally the policy in place meeting agreed upon date. Anytime during the process there was a delay in data gathering or absent members of attendance at the meetings would cause further delays in the process. So, if they were lucky if in about 1 month they would finally have their policy in place.

` Compared to the technology of today, we will take the same example of the CEO wanting to use black ink pens versus blue ink pens. The CEO has his secretary draft a word document on her company PC, that states the intended policy change and request are made for a cost analysis to be implemented and by whom; she forwards on the company intranet to the CEO’s company PC. He reads, confirms or corrects the document and has the secretary put it in an internal mail distribution for the company so instantly the Dept. Heads have the memo; they then open the email, read, the document and instantly respond with their thoughts on the subject, for or against, and the designated individual instantly researches on the internet the cost analysis and forwards that to all on the company email distribution list created from the original word doc sent. Now all dept heads can look over the material and approve or no the change in the selection of ink. This is all occurring in less than one business day. The only issues that can affect the timely consideration of the topic are attendance of all members and availability of the company PC or noticing the emails sent. The cell phone has taken care of that with access virtually anywhere.

` The efficiency factor for the IT industry has of course made its greatest improvements by merely cutting down on having to have meetings to get materials and discussions on topics out to all the personnel. The need to have a meeting for every decision is a thing of the past, the need to dictate and cover all material with redundant information that required letters to be typed and sent physically are also refined. The saving of paper alone offsets the cost of PC implementation in the office area and the immediate availability to contact everyone within the company’s intranet network is a tremendous saving in time and frustrated time spent trying to arrange a meeting. With the almost instant answer to any questions from CEO to direct Dept. Heads the business mechanism runs smoother, quicker, more efficiently with greater cost savings.

` So how can the technology be improved and what is in store for the future? The future will make it so everyone will be connected at all times via handheld devices such as a “Blackberry”. Alliance Wireless Tech. has already begun, with the “ FREETALK Connect, where users can enjoy a simplified set up that does not require technical savvy to gain access into the company’s network the supported cell-phones are plugged in and the solution automatically detects and configures them”, this was announced at the ITEXPO in 2009, as seen at

` These new devices will work as your office on the go. To illustrate: when the employee reaches the office building immediately upon entering his handheld device is synchronized into the company’s intranet network enabling all calls (office numbers) and emails to be auto loaded via Wi-Fi connection. The handheld device still maintains the use of the employee’s personal phone number which is on an autodial network with his children’s school and home, plus global phone and network capabilities. While at work the employee will enter his office and place the handheld device into a synching cradle that automatically enables the device as the PC; the cradle is merely a memory and interface for the monitor; the keyboard and mouse is wireless as is the internet and intranet networks. So the memory of the handheld is quite large as it is virtually your traveling office complete with cell phone. The IBM development team is producing the IBM Web Sphere Portal which creates external facing web sites by a Wiki-connection that enables worldwide office accessibility. The PC is replaced and with a simple synch cradle which does an automatic back-up every time the device is put into it in order to save data in case of accidents. The employee can also have one of the synch cradles installed in his home that can be networked to his office, via the Web Sphere Portal, and with the Free-talk connection he can actually do his work from home and be connected to the office server with encrypted secure connections as seen at

` Communications Solutions is developing conference call solutions which will be developed to provide competitive business environments and organizations around the world to get the most for their meetings regardless where they are located by a worldwide network connection infrastructure. The handheld will be encrypted with a personal encryption key activated by a built-in thumbprint reader so only the employee will be able to unlock the information inside, so if it is lost the fear of lost information will be null as when the employee notifies the system administrator at work the handheld device is automatically deactivated and unable to be used by anyone. This makes the system secure. So the future goes from a staff of secretaries and typewriters, with landlines for communications to a simple handheld device that can be used worldwide. This creates the possibility that a company can have a staff of employees that work from their homes instead of having to have individual offices. The company building’s size can be greatly reduced and employees actually would only need to go there for personal HR meetings or system administration issues. This would free up the daily commutes to and from work, create more time to be with your families, and help to create a green environment as seen at


Alliance Wireless Connect-

IBM Redbooks® publications-

Communications Solutions-

Monday, March 29, 2010

Bugatti Veyron VS Porsche 911 Turbo

Bugatti Veyron VS Porsche 911 Turbo

The two most popular super sport cars on the production market today are the Bugatti Veyron and the Porsche 911 turbo. The Bugatti is proven the fastest production car on the market with the ability to reach speeds of 253 mph, a speed faster than the popular F1 formula race cars described by James May from the BBC series Top Gear as “No wonder Michel Schumacher retired, he is slower than me”. The Porsche, even though a fast car of course can’t go that fast, but it does provide superior tracking handling ability with increased torque and horsepower while maintaining greater fuel efficiency and a lower carbon footprint than in any of its prior year versions. In this essay, I will talk about the two super sport cars discussing the differences and similarities about them.

The similarities about those two cars are that both have 6 speed gearbox, similar length approximately 4.4m and have a rear engine with all wheel drive. The two cars have two doors and two seats only.

The differences between the two cars are that the Porsche 911 Turbo engine has a 500-horsepower which produces 516-pound feet torque but the Bugatti has 1001 horsepower, and produces 922-pound feet torque. The Porsche 911 Turbo top speed is 312 k/m per hour and it goes from 0-60 km/h in 3.7 sec, but the Bugatti top speed is 407 k/m per hour and it goes from 0-60 km/h in 2.5 sec. The price of the Porsche 911 Turbo is $132,800, but the Bugatti is way more, it costs about $1,270,000. The Porsche weighs 1440 kg, but the Bugatti weighs 1890 kg. The Porsche has a button to engage the sport configuration but the Bugatti has a special key described by James May from the BBC series Top Gear as “You have to insert a special key in to a slot by the door”. The Porsche has six cylinders with twin turbo charger and two intercoolers. On the other hand the Bugatti has 16 cylinders with four turbo chargers and ten intercoolers.

I am really interested in some information about those two cars namely that the Bugatti needs to use 270 horse power to reach 155 MPH but to reach to a maximum speed from 155 to 253 MPH it need to use another 730 horse power!! The Bugatti goes from 200 km/h to 300 km/h in 9.4 sec. When the Bugatti reaches a maximum speed at 407 km/h the engine sucks in air in one minute equal to what a man breathes in four days and the tires will last 15 minutes and the fuel will run out in 12 minutes according to James May from the BBC series Top Gear. At that speed the car is covering a football field in 1 second!! What can be said about the Bugatti that was described by James May from the BBC series Top Gear as “bringing tears to you eyes” after driving it to the max speed? The car is simply the fastest car in the world with complete comfort and safety.

On the other hand the Porsche has DFI which is the a first car with direct fuel combustion mixture controlled by electromagnetic control valves direct in the engine cylinders instead of a carburetor as in normal cars. The PDK model in the Porsche has a selectable 7th gear option at higher speed for better fuel performance. The Porsche's auto designed gear selection and traction control with the built in VTI engine control delivers max torque in lower rpms increasing the fuel consumption and delivering max speed while maintaining comfort through corners with greater agility and stability. Porsche delivers a more sensible drive at a more reasonable price.

In summary, I like the Porsche 911 Turbo more than the Bugatti Veyron because it is cheaper to buy and a more daily useable car. Also it is cheaper to get the insurance cover and easier to maintain.

In my opinion, the price of the Porsche 911 Turbo means a man will have to live very cheaply; as a comparison, to buy the Bugatti, your grandfather, your father, and you would have to live cheaply to save enough money to purchase it for your son.


Videos from

Monday, March 15, 2010

References about Divorce

Divorce : Causes and Consequences

Clarke, Stewart A., and Brentano Cornelia. Divorce Causes and Consequences. Yale UP, 2006. HCT Database. Web. 15 Mar. 2010.

Hindu Divorce : A Legal Anthropology

Holden, Livia. Hindu Divorce : A Legal Anthropology. Ashgate, Limited, 2008. HCT Database. Web. 15 Mar. 2010.

Focus on the Family : Understanding and Coping with Divorce

Wagner, Heather L. Focus on the Family : Understanding and Coping with Divorce. Chelsea House, 2002. HCT Database. Web. 15 Mar. 2010.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

MLA Referencing

Answer the following questions from the presentation.

1. What is plagiarism?

- Not refering to the original resource.

2. What must you do to avoid plagiarizing?

- List all information used.

3. What style of referencing is accepted at HCT?


4. What are the five types of information that are often included when referencing from various sources?

- Author’s name

- Title

- Place published

- Publisher

- Date published

5. When creating a reference for a book what comes first?

- Author’s Name

6. What is the second item of information in a magazine reference?

- Title for the article from the magazine.

7. What is the last item of information in a magazine reference?

- Page Numbers

8. What is the third item of information when referencing a website?

- Name of the website.

9. What is last item of information when referencing a website?


10. In the case of a database source, what is the third item of information?

- Variety ( Name of the magazine)

11. What comes before the URL in a database reference?

- The date you access the website

12. Where is the bibliography?

- At the end

13. What is in the bibliography?

- List of all the resources

14. When giving the author’s name which part of the name do you put first?

- Family name

15. How do you order items in the bibliography?

- Alphabetically

16. Besides, quotations, where do you use an inline citation?

- In the paragraph

17. What information goes in an inline citation?

- Authors Name

- Page Number

18. Name one citation machine that can help you?

19. Besides your teacher, who can help you with referencing?

- People who work in the library

20. In Google type, ‘HCT plagiarism.’ Find the page which describes the consequences of plagiarism at HCT. State what this consequence is.

- Immediate bounce from HCT Colleges